Tag: Computer

When your computer crashes down..

Thats how the PC looks when it crashes down..

The most common things that we feel when our PC gets sick –

  • I should have installed the legal version of OS. 😐
  • The anti-virus that I have presently is of no use. It does not detect anything and  protect my computer. 😡
  • Will I have to format the PC? 😯
  • Ohh thats really a tedious task. Re-installing all the applications is such a boring job..
  • Gosh! I wish I would have a PC that never get collapsed. 🙄
  • No, I need to do something to fix this problem.

Thats what I was feeling when my computer was ill for many days.  Finally, fixed all the problems and now its all working good. Hope that it would work smoothly for much longer time. 🙂